Manuscript Guidelines (Checklist)
- Manuscripts should be under the scope of IJPQA.
- Manuscripts should be below 10% Plagiarism from Turnitin software (Editor will give you report for reduction of plagiarism)
- Mention Article Type- Research/Review etc.
- Write Short title of the Article
- Write Full title of article
- Provide each and every Table & Figure in text citation and in increasing order.
- All Tables and Figures in increasing order.
- All Figures and Tables should be in high quality images (high resolution image) & Graph should be in excel format
- Provide proper name and affiliation of all authors andthe email address of the corresponding author is mandatory.
- After the submission of the manuscript, any modifications in author(s) name, affiliation will not be entertained in any circumstances.
- After submission of the manuscript addition or deletion of author(s) are not allowed
- Length of the Manuscript should not be more than 10 pages (exceptions allowed when utmost necessary).
- Cross-check and verify for accuracy/data/format, correct, and provide all references in consistent Vancouver format (superscript in text). Sample reference formatted to act as an example and to maintain consistency of format (Vancouver) required.
- References should be in Vancouver style (superscript) and in-text citation in increasing order.
Reference writing style format (Vancouver) required:
Singh C, Yashwant, Gupta AK. Formulation and the Study of Finished Products Used for Anginal Disease. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. 2022;13(4):385-388. DOI: 10.25258/ijpqa.13.4.07
Singh C, Yashwant, Gupta AK, Garg V. Formulation Development and Evaluation of Divalproex Sodium Extended-release Tablets. International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology. 2022;12(4):1769-1773.DOI: 10.25258/ijddt.12.4.46