International Journal of

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance

e-ISSN: 0975 9506

p-ISSN: 2961-6093

Peer Review Journal

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Quantitative Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Commercial Fruit Juices by Redox Titration
Muhammad Ismail, Sajjad Ali, Manzoor Hussain
A number of commercial juices of different brands are available in the markets. These juices are consumed daily by all classes of population all over the world. In the present study ascorbic acid (AA) contents of 13 commercial juices of different brands in local market of Gilgit-Baltistan were quantitatively determined. The procedure is based on iodometric titration where dark blue complex forms in the presence of starch at the end point. The ascorbic acid content of All Pure juices produced by ShezanTM were found to contain highest concentration of ascorbic acid for mango, grape, orange, and pomegranate (53.54, 49.12, 47.58, and 41.13 mg/200 mL, respectively) whereas Elexire, Fruit Edge, and Slice produced by RaniTM contained the least quantity of ascorbic acid (7.74, 7.09 and 3.87 mg/200 mL, respectively). The comparative analysis also revealed that most of the commercial juices do not mention the AA data while others are misleading, although the amount of AA contents changes with the increased shelf life.

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