International Journal of

Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance

e-ISSN: 0975 9506

p-ISSN: 2961-6093

Peer Review Journal

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1. Organogel: An Ideal Drug Delivery Carrier for Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs through Topical Route
Balaguru S, Ramya Devi D, Vedha Hari B N
Technological advancement in the field of medicine and pharmaceutics has made researchers to work in development of novel formulation and advancement in drug delivery systems using well advanced techniques. Among which conventional semi solid topical dosage form of lecithin organogel has got much significance. Lecithin organogel are three dimensional network of jelly like phase with lecithin macromolecule as major gelator compound and proportionate amount of organic and aqueous phase medium in them. They are thermodynamically stable with a nature of biphasic solubility of drugs, good partition coefficient, biocompatible nature with skin and ease of preparation with simple components. Lecithin organogel are mainly used as matrix delivery of various drugs through transdermal route of application. In this current review work, attempts have been made to explain about the types of organogels, gelation mechanism, properties of organogel, parameters influencing in gelation. More over the review mainly focused on categories of drugs loaded in them and their feasibilities in loading NSAID drugs in lecithin organogel.
Abstract Online: 22-Jan-2015

2. Handling of ‘Out Of Specification’ Results
Kotha Arun Kumar, N. Vishal Gupta
The term OOS (out of specification), is defined as those results of in process or finished product testing, which falling out of specified limits, that are mentioned in compendia, drug master file, or drug application. The frequent occurrence of OOS results indicates that the manufacturing and analytical procedures not in control. The consequences of OOS may result in market complaints, and rejection of commercial batches, which is an inventory loss for any pharmaceutical industry. So, the OOS result occurrences have to be investigated and addressed. This article describes a typical procedure that can be adopted to handle OOS results.
Abstract Online: 26-Jan-2015

Article Withdrawn
Method Development and its Validation for Simultaneous Estimation of Lornoxicam and Paracetamol as API and in Tablet Dosage form by UV Spectrophotometry using Hydrotropic Agents
Gaur Ajay
A simple, sensitive, economical UV Spectrophotometric method was developed for the simultaneous estimation of Lornoxicam and Paracetamol in bulk and tablet formulation by using Urea solution as Hydrotropic agent. The lmax for Lornoxicam and Paracetamol was found to be 384 nm and 244 nm respectively and both Lornoxicam and Paracetamol obey Beer-Lambert’s law in the concentration range of 2-10 µg/ml (r2=0.999) and 20-60 µg/ml.(r2=0.999) in 8M Urea (Hydrotropic agent) respectively. The developed method was validated according to ICH guidelines and value of accuracy, precision and other statistical analysis were found to be in good accordance with the prescribed values.
Abstract Online: 1-Feb-2015

4. Assessment of Purified Water Quality In Pharmaceutical Facility Using Six Sigma Tools
Eissa, M.E., Seif, M.,Fares, M.
The performance of water treatment plant for production of purified water is critical aspect in drug pharmaceutical manufacturing especially for semisolid and liquid products; where water represents the major bulk component. The water station investigated; herein, thermally and chemically sanitize city waterand is primarily made out of three major compartments: pretreatment unit, Reverse Osmosis-Electrodeinonizer (RO-EDI) compartment and distribution system. In order to assess the quality of different water treatment steps, water samples were taken from each processing stage in the water station and analyzed microbiologically using standard procedure. Conductivity and total organic carbon (TOC) measurements were assessed in samples of the final output waterat two points viz: after the tank of purified waterand at the return point of the distribution loop. Monitoring was conducted along a two years period of data gathering and was transformed logarithmically to approximate normality. Results were interpreted and analyzed using statistical software package and Six Sigma tools to identify the area of risk, processes that need improvement and control chart structuring for each stage. RO-EDI phase wasfound to be the most critical part, showing the greatest impact on the total performance of water station and need improvement.  This partition contributed to 87% of the total defect based onCumulative Pareto with rolled throughput yield (RTY) of 0.88. RO-EDI is sensitive to microbial burden and needs continuous monitoring and preventive measures especially during maintenance and shutdown intervals by using proper thermal sanitization at relatively higher rate than the other compartments.
Abstract Online: 16-April-2015



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International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology

International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research

International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research

International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research

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